The Stranger
“The Stranger” directed by the filmmaker Sanjay Prasad, is a metaphorical dialogue centric feature film that unfurls the intricate tapestries of the life of the protagonist Rahul. This movie propels around the intrusive conflicts of Rahul that reflects the perennial struggle between what is wrong and what is right, ambition, greed, love against the fallacies of selfish desires. The film, brings forward the struggles that the protagonist faces when he is ensnared in the corporate web. Amidst the struggles of conflicting emotions, Rahul takes a life altering decision of quitting his mundane life of comfort for the sake of pursuing his dreams. However, this decision was self-defeating as Rahul’s ambition is pitted against the unswerving principles that he once held dear, reflecting the impasse within his moral struggles.
Tina, his once-heartbroken girlfriend re-enters his life, but this not just as his love interest but also as a guiding force, attempting to navigate Rahul through the complexities of his internal battles. Even though Tina urges Rahul to move out of his enveloped life and look forward to chasing his dream, it seems like Rahul has given up on his life. It is not until when he meets a Stranger who intrigues him and takes him through an emotional ride, disclosing a long-forgotten, supressed memory.
The storyline takes a thrilling turn, as Rahul is cornered when the Stranger forces him to choose between his pursuit of his dreams and the love interest of his life. Some unexpected revelations pressurize Rahul to face the adverse consequences of his life changing decisions. This is a pivotal moment in the movie as the cinematography as well as the graphics unfurls the struggles of Rahul’s life.
As the film director draws the conclusion of the movie, the audience is left speechless, resonating to the adversaries that one faces while making a life changing decision. The film portrays the gradual journey of a common human being who decides to quit his life of comfort and pursue his dreams. The internal conflicts that we face, plays an important role in shaping our destinies. The storyline perfectly reflects the timeless conflicts between the preservation of love and pursuit of his dreams. The story is a heartfelt illustration of the power that money holds on human beings. The movie inevitably debates the value of money in the life of an avid dreamer. Forged by the harsh realities of the world that runs on the intensity of financial success, the storyline takes a convincing approach towards the complexities of dreams, ethics and the pursuit for success.
Sanjay Prasad in his movie “The Stranger”, unravels an unfeigned attempt towards entertainment, inspiring and resonating among his audiences. Blending art with purpose has given rise to this thrilling and engaging feature film. The film marks the victory over adversity and has earned the film director recognition and accolades in many film festivals.
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